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September 2, 2013

Happiness and Curiosity

You’re at a party.  You look around and don’t know anyone besides the host.  You heave an inner sigh – no one looks particularly interesting.  Plus they probably all know each other already. You start to wonder what excuse you could come up with that would make it okay for you to leave in the next five minutes.  You head to the food table to kill some time.

You’re at a party.  You look around and don’t know anyone besides the host.  You start to imagine what each person does for a living.  Are you surrounded by librarians, doctors, video game designers?  You wonder what the tattooed woman and the guy in the sweater vest are discussing so animatedly.  You head over to them to find out.

Curiosity can make or break a party from your first step in the door.  You can see how being curious leads you to new knowledge, new people, and new experiences.  The best thing is, curiosity is something you can cultivate – like so many of these other things that add to happiness!  If you’re truly curious and not just trying to sound curious, the questions will come effortlessly.   Just decide to be curious.


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