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When was the first time you found yourself truly intrigued by or connected with nature? For me, it was the first time I sat on a boat dock listening to the water. I could easily spend all day with my feet in the water, watching the small fishing boats, and soaking up the sun. Connecting with nature as we bicycle along a trail, sit on the beach, or take in a day at the park has a soothing effect on the body as our minds can feel free from hassles and other problems. Numerous studies have demonstrated spending time in the outdoors is associated with less stress and improved moods. Likewise, time outdoors can foster creativity and distract us from our thoughts. This is the perfect time of the year to pop outside and spend energy reconnecting with your dear friend, nature.


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(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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