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I grew up watching Mr. Rogers tie his shoes as he taught me about life’s lessons. Being raised near his home of western Pennsylvania made his grip even stronger because his presence was everywhere. My sister and I loved trips to Idlewild Park where we rode Trolley into his neighborhood of make believe as his friends greeted us to “Come along, come along to the castle hug and song.”

These days, I find myself returning to Mr. Rogers for guidance when I question my core being, seem lost, or feel a bit rattled. His wisdom is reflected in numerous quotes that he left behind through his many years on television and philanthropic work. These quotes help me stay true my values and morals while guiding me back to myself.

Where do you turn to when you feel rattled? Maybe it’s loved ones, your favorite book, or inspirational quotes. These people and things can remind us of who we are and help guide us toward our path in life. Consider this gem of a quote below:

“Some days, doing “the best we can” may still fall short of what we would like to be able to do, but life isn’t perfect on any front-and doing what we can with what we have is the most we should expect of ourselves or anyone else.” – Fred Rogers


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