Dancing for Happiness: The Fitness Marshall - Lepage Associates

If you love dancing your heart out to catchy music, you should definitely check out The Fitness Marshall! Caleb Marshall has been making upbeat dance workout videos (that are really more like a dance party than exercise!) for years. We know dancing releases endorphins (the happy hormones!) and helps people get their bodies moving. And along with the physical and mental benefits, Caleb’s peppy, fun, energy-filled attitude makes the dances so enjoyable! He and two other fellow dancers walk you through each step and mirror the movements. The channel has light, moderate, and heavy sweat playlists to match your dance goals. He also has 30 and 60-minute “sweat sessions” for those who want a longer workout routine rather than a fun 5-minute groove! Whether you want to dance for 5 or 50 minutes, this channel has a routine for everyone! Ready to dance to the beat? Check out this easy, low-impact cardio workout to the song “Love Shack” by the B-52’s! Want something heavier? Try this workout to Lady Gaga’s “Just Dance”! Remember, happiness and fitness are a journey, and dancing with The Fitness Marshall makes that journey a joyful ride!


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