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Child Indecisiveness – February 2017

Q: My first grader cannot make a decision to save his life. He freezes and then tantrums any time he […]

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Sleep for Adults – December 2016

Q: What can I do to improve my sleep? The stress, and perhaps excitement, of the holidays is getting to […]

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Teen Substance Use – November 2016

Q: I am pretty sure my teenager has used drugs, but am not sure (how can I tell??) and feel […]

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Position vs. Interest – September 2016

Q: I don’t know how to talk to my teenager about a problem without it becoming an argument. I try […]

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“That’s Not Fair!” – August 2016

Q: My kids (five and seven) are in a really annoying stage right now where everything has to be “fair.” […]

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Navigating Different Parenting Styles – July 2016

Q: My husband and I share the same values and goals but we parent differently and I’ve noticed when we […]

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Preschooler Lying – June 2016

Q: My 3-year-old daughter has been telling lies lately. Outlandish ones and small ones, often for no apparent reason. My […]

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Launching Your Teen – May 2016

Q: My daughter is a bright, respectful, ambitious 16-year-old who just will not to do some of the basic things […]

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Sibling Rivalry – April 2016

Q: My kids are 12 and 14 and do not get along. They bicker all the time and sometimes it […]

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