Fraud Blocker

By: Lepage Associates’ Staff Psychologist
“What is an appropriate age to leave your child home alone, and how long should you start initially leaving them alone?”

Click here to download the article as a PDF

“I have school age children. How can I make time again for me and find my own identity when I have to often play both roles of mother and father as a single parent? Can you give me some suggestions before I pull ALL of my hair out?”

Click here to download the article as a PDF

“How do I check on my teens’ activities on-line without making them feel like I don’t trust them or have invaded their privacy?”

Click here to download the article as a PDF

Are there dangers of Internet pornography use by adults? Should adults be concerned about their own use of Internet pornography, or even of sexual “relationships” with other adults in chat rooms? For example, I have little time to get out of the house with raising a child by myself and find myself being lured by all the chat rooms for companionship. Do you think developing friendships that could even be considered sexual “relationships” with other adults in chat rooms could be ok?”

Click here to download the article as a PDF



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