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After beginning as an Office Manager Assistant, Page Tsirigotis is now our primary blogger at Lepage Associates. An excellent writer, she writes posts for our Happiness Blog and Something to Ponder blog. In addition to her writing duties, Page used her design skills at Lepage Associates to complete an internship project on suggestions for redesign of the main office suite based on color theory, and she was responsible for the interior design plans for the new Raleigh office and new second Durham office. For over eight years, she has also put her design and leadership skills to work as a volunteer and student leader for A Lotta Love, a nonprofit that redesigns and refurbishes homeless shelters throughout NC. Page is a student in the Honors College (‘Honors Carolina’) at UNC-CH majoring in psychology and neuroscience. More broadly her academic interests include neuroscience research, psychology, mechanical engineering, and design. Page has also been appointed a council member to the EPA’s National Environmental Youth Advisory Council (NEYAC); NEYAC marks the first time an EPA advisory committee features exclusively youth aged 16-29, charged with advising the EPA on impacts of climate change and environmental harms. When Page manages to step away from her schoolwork and volunteer work for a few minutes, she enjoys baking, participating in theatre, exercising, and spending time with friends.


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