Happiness and Renewable Living - Lepage Associates

Renewable living influences not only the environment but one’s happiness! A recent social experiment conducted by TetraPak examined if a behavior could become more habitual in 28 days and ultimately lead to greater levels of happiness. The results found that environmentally responsible behaviors became significantly more habitual within the first week and also led to increase in happiness!

But what exactly is renewable living? It is the adoption of environmentally friendly lifestyle habits that focus on the preservation of something finite. Try to go beyond recycling and incorporate some of the following actions into your daily routine!

  • Drink from re-useable bottles and containers when possible
  • Bike or walk to destinations instead of driving
  • Take shorter showers to conserve water
  • Choose products that utilize recyclable and renewable packing such as paperboard, a natural resource that can be replenished over time
  • Incorporate daily exercise to renew your personal energy


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