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Country Road
At Lepage Associates, one area of focus is on building a team with extensive experience working with college students: All of our doctors generally have anywhere between 5-15 years of experience with college students. We are committed to providing quality care to college students. We offer flexible scheduling for students (open M-F 9am-8pm + Saturdays), and are located less than 10 miles from the UNC campus and only 8 miles from Duke University.

Balancing Autonomy & Parents
Adjusting to College Life
Overcoming Homesickness

Coping with Learning Disabilities
Coping with Academic Failure Developing a Plan for Academic Success Coping with Academic Stress

    • IQ Testing
      To determine overall academic strengths and weaknesses; also identifies giftedness
    • AD/HD Testing
      To determine the presence of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
    • LD Testing
      To determine the presence of a Learning Disorder
    • Full Psychoeducational Testing

All of the above plus ruling out the influence of mental health conditions

Developing Friendships
Improving Your Social Skills
Roomate Conflict Mediation

Intimate Relationships
Making Decisions About Sex
Couples Therapy

Motivational Interviewing for Health Behaviors (exercise, healthy eating, medication compliance)
Creating a Healthy Body Image
Weight Management
Motivational Interviewing for Preventable Illnesses (obesity, diabetes, asthma)

Overcoming Addictive Behaviors
Dealing with Alcohol & Drug Use
(alcohol, illicit drugs, tobacco, and prescription medications)
Relapse Prevention for Addictive Behaviors and Alcohol & Drug Use

Career Counseling & Preparation for Graduation
Making Decisions About & Planning Your Future


      • General Issues
      • Creating Joy
      • Building Self-Esteem
      • Effective Communication
      • Women’s Issues


    • Men & Women Sharing


Please fill in the information below and we will email you with an appointment date/time.

(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

Schedule Appointment