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The loss of a family unit to divorce creates uncertainty about the future for everyone. Ms. Rae Ann Hamilton provides a safe, nurturing environment that allows the children and parents to grieve the loss and express their feelings, which may range from confusion to anger to sadness, without judgment. It is important for parents to learn children’s typical reactions to divorce, so they know what to expect and what can be done to help them. The process of rebuilding a different, yet healthy, family system depends greatly on the parents’ ability to set aside any animosity they may have for each other to place their children’s welfare first. The development of an efficient coparenting relationship is essential. Assisting the parents and children identify positive support systems, such as social or church involvement and/or extracurricular activities, can help ease the transition process to avoid feeling isolated and alone. “It is not the event of the divorce itself that has the greatest impact on a child; it’s the actions parents take during and after the divorce that make the difference between a child who is unscathed and one who is scarred for life;” quote from Crossroads of Parenting & Divorce curriculum. Separation and divorce is a specialty area of Rae Ann’s and as such she is trained as a formal Parenting Coordinator in NC, and has helped numerous families in that role over the years, as well as helping children, teens and adults as a therapist during the divorce process and thereafter around issues related to the divorce.


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(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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