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With platforms like Netflix and Hulu, it can be difficult to refrain from sitting on the couch, putting on our favorite show, and watching it for a while as a form of relaxation. Research, however, shows that binge watching as a form of relaxation and a break from our busy lives, may not be the best option. Binge-watching has even been linked to sleep problems, social deterioration, and sedentary behaviors due to being isolated and gaining stimuli straight from the comfort of your own couch. Now, I am not saying that occasional watching is bad, however, instead of using precious free-time to watch a series or surf the wonders of Netflix, it may be more beneficial to find a hobby that you find interesting and exciting! Diverting attention to something that you want to get better at or experience more in the form of a hobby has been linked to increases in general mood, increases in interest, increases in problem solving and other cognitive functions, as well as decreases in stress. In other words, hobbies promote happiness and a general sense of well-being! Hobbies also give you a chance to connect with others that have similar interests. It gives the opportunity to work on something with a group or talk about it in a way that is both social and exciting for all. Because all of us are unique and have various curiosities and ways of enjoying ourselves, hobbies can widely range from crafting to skiing to even juggling! It is important to find something that truly excites you so that you can invest your time into something that you will want to. So, write a list of some things you would be interested in and dive in to experience the happiness that surrounds hobbies!


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