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According to the New York Post, only 8% of Americans keep their New Year’s resolutions. Many times, people set unreasonable expectations for themselves. Of course, we would all like to exercise more, eat better, and become “healthier.” However, that wording does not create a realistic, achievable goal. That’s when SMART goals come in. 

SMART goals, according to the University of California, describe goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

  • Specific: “What will be accomplished? What actions will you take?”
  • Measurable: “What data will measure the goal? How much? How well?”
  • Achievable: “Is the goal doable? Do you have the necessary skills and resources?”
  • Relevant: “How does the goal align with broader goals? Why is the result important?”
  • Time-Bound: “What is the time frame for accomplishing the goal?”

The questions above guide you to ensure your goal meets the criteria. Once you write this goal (It might take a few sentences!), you should have a well-thought-out resolution. You can use SMART goals for anything, but resolutions greatly attest to their usefulness!

And, of course, give yourself the grace to make mistakes. Most people won’t stick to a new diet or routine perfectly. Let yourself mess up, then correct it. You’ve got this!


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