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With the nice summer air, cloudless skies, and the sun’s beaming light coming down, it is important to get outside and enjoy these beautiful  summer months. One activity that is simple and can get your mind engaged as well as get you outside on a nice summer day is reading outside! For one, the sun’s natural light is less straining for your eyes, giving you a less uncomfortable and more relaxed experience when reading the pages of your book of choice. Reading outside also heightens your senses, allowing you to be more in tune with your surroundings and more in tune with the nice ambience of the outdoors. Furthermore, studies have shown that reading outside in the sun lowers your stress levels by minimizing the stress hormone cortisol. So, with implications of reading outside keeping you more concentrated, more in tune with the book and your surroundings, as well as more relaxed, try to get out in the nice summer weather and enjoy an exciting book to take a break and find some happiness!


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