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We commend you for taking the time to look closely at your relationship strengths and areas for improvement! Intimate relationships are an on-going growth process and we hope this quiz has been useful in that process for you. Please call us if we can be of further assistance.

For #1-#5: Items 1-5 of this Relationship Strengths Quiz are a sample of the type of items included in a comprehensive and research-based assessment on relationship strength. Unlike the actual 165-item Inventory, this Quiz is not designed to be scientifically accurate or a predictor of a successful relationship. However, these five questions can give you some idea of areas of your relationship that are strong and those that need improvement. (The complete Inventory contains 165 couple statements in 20 different relationship areas, as well as 30 background items. The inventory has been tested, validated, and refined over the past 25 years and is now used around the world. It requires a trained Counselor to provide you with feedback and six couple exercises for improving your relationship.)

  • For every AGREE answer: Congratulations! These are areas of strengths for you as a couple. These are traits you should value in your relationship and can build on to strengthen your relationship.
  • For every NOT SURE answer: These are areas or issues that you have not yet discussed or made a decision. Therefore, these are issues that you should discuss and decide as a couple. With the help of a couple’s specialist, these areas can be turned into additional strengths for the relationship.
  • For every DISAGREE answer: These are areas needing growth in your relationship. Disagreements are a natural part of any intimate relationship. The more you can resolve your differences, the stronger your relationship will become. With the help of a couple’s counselor, you can learn techniques to resolve disagreements in your relationship and improve your overall relationship satisfaction.

For #6-#10: These items reflect predictors of divorce as determined by the research of one the world’s leading researchers on couples’ dynamics and divorce. The couple’s therapists at Lepage Associates use this research to help couples avoid these empirically-validated divorce-predicting styles of communication.

  • For every AGREE answer: These are areas needing immediate repair in your relationship’s communication style. It has been found couples who communicated in these ways to be more likely to divorce.
  • For every NOT SURE answer: If you are not sure about your relationship’s style of communication, you may be at an ideal time in your relationship to get positive patterns started! With the help of a specialist in couple’s communication, you can turn conflict resolution and communication into a strength that can keep you happily married or happy in your unmarried partnership.
  • For every DISAGREE answer: Congratulations! By not communicating in these ways with your partner, you are showing your partner you care and value his or her thoughts and feelings. Keep up the good work and you can stay happily together!


We have all heard the grim statistics about divorce rates in our country. During the busy days most of us experience, it is easy to assume (or wish) that those statistics will not apply to the marriage you will share with your spouse, or that similarly a break-up will not occur in your relationship. The bad news is wishing is not sufficient to divorce-proof your marriage or protect your relationship! Can you imagine what would happen if you depended solely on wishful thinking to get into college, be successful in a career, or achieve another goal you have set for yourself? The good news is that marriage or relationship counseling can help give you a plan to achieve the goal of having a successful – and happy! — relationship. Research has shown participating in counseling can help reduce your risk of divorce or break-up. Early intervention is ideal and it is never too soon to nip in the bud any unhealthy patterns that are developing in your relationship. Couples who choose to enter therapy after unhealthy patterns have formed have often been unhappy for quite some time, and may have experienced some damage to the relationship. However, even in these cases research has found therapy to be effective! So do not feel hopeless that it is ‘too late.’ Working with a specialist in relationships can truly help!

In marriage or relationship counseling, your therapist will help you develop a plan to deal with all aspects of your relationship, including dealing with in-laws, finances, conflict management, expectations, communication, intimacy, and long-term goals. At Lepage Associates we believe each couple has different strengths and weaknesses, and our approach to couple’s therapy reflects this belief. Your therapist will listen to your specific concerns and goals and develop a counseling plan to address them. This plan, your therapist’s expertise as a couple’s counselor, and your hard work will allow you to fix relationship problems and enjoy your relationship all the days that follow. Call or email us to get started on the road to a happier tomorrow in a content and fulfilling relationship.



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(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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