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We are big fans of holiday decorating because it brings joy in many ways. Figuring out how to decorate your space requires you to get creative, and perhaps to work together with someone you love. Research shows that decorating allows you to tap into the excitement of the holidays and can lift your spirits. And, once the decorations are up, they bring consistent joy and warmth to your space, and they bring joy into the days of people who see them. Seeing holiday decorations makes many people happy because it brings up positive childhood memories. It reminds us of a time of magic, innocence, and joy. But, if you have negative memories associated with the holidays, and traditional holiday decorations give you a feeling of dread, psychologists suggest starting a new tradition. This could be going to the movies with a loved one, baking a pie, or decorating your house in a non-traditional way, such as putting up a disco ball. By the next time the holidays roll around, you’ll begin to associate this time of year with your newer, happier memories. And if you don’t celebrate any holidays this time of year, you could try putting up nonsecular decorations, such as paper snowflakes. Whether or not you associate these decorations with happy memories, decorating itself spikes the feel-good hormone dopamine, and allows you to get creative and shake up your space!


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(We are open 9am-8pm M-F and 9am-5/7pm Saturdays; please feel free to call 919-572-0000 directly during those hours to schedule as well.)

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