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Archive for In The News – Page 2

7 Ways To Get More Sex

Dissatisfaction with the amount of sex in their relationship is a common problem that comes up in marriages and other long term intimate relationships. It is a commonly seen problem in couple’s therapy, probably because when there are problems in the relationship, amount of sex tends to decline. However, it’s important to point out lack of sex does not always mean there are other problems in the relationship. Couples who are quite happy with each other and all other aspects of their relationship can also struggle with this problem.

This dissatisfaction impacts the rest of the marriage or relationship. It always takes a toll in some sense. In couples who are happy with the rest of their relationship, it can still diminish their level of closeness, and they might become moody or slightly depressed. In couples who it is one of many problems, it can make the relationship seem very unsatisfactory and hopeless. When sex is good in a relationship, we like and tolerate each other a bit more because that sexual happiness spills over into the relationship. Likewise without it we can be less satisfied and more easily annoyed by our partners.

There is no magic number that can tell couples how often they should be having sex in order to be “normal.” Read More→

Tiger & Elin Woods Modeled Amicable Divorce

Collaborative Divorce: The Full Team Interdisciplinary Model, now available in the Triangle

Fox News ran a story when Tiger Woods divorced describing the collaborative divorce process used by Tiger and Elin Woods. The interviewer wondered skeptically how spouses experiencing the level of anger and emotional pain that often comes with divorce can have a ‘collaborative’ divorce, especially with difficult issues such as infidelity. But as national expert Dr. Ellie Izzo explained, that is exactly why this process works so much better than traditional adversarial divorce, as a team of compassionate experts help spouses navigate those painful emotions and come up with a settlement acceptable to both. Also importantly, whereas in adversarial divorce the children’s emotions and experience can unintentionally become collateral damage in the fight, this process protects the children from extreme emotional fallout by keeping the divorce as low conflict as possible. Read More→

Kindergarten Readiness: Is Early Entry to Kindergarten Right For My Child?

When parents call to ask about early entry to kindergarten, I often hear, “I know everyone thinks their child is brilliant, but my child really is advanced.” … And they are generally correct! They have noticed their child recognized letters and numbers early, perhaps even started reading some, seems to take in information and retain it, and has a strong curiosity around academic-type learning. If you have noticed these things in your child and are trying to decide whether early entry to kindergarten is right for your child, there are several things to consider. Read More→

Psychological Effects of 9/11

As the 9/11 memorial in New York City opened, thousands gathered to remember those that lost their lives. The collective voice of America on September 11, 2011 was “We Will Never Forget.” Those words were plastered on major online news sources. They were published on the signs of memorial service attendees. They were heard on television and radio stations. America will never forget those that risked and scarified their lives to save others. For some, those words are a tribute to the parent, child, co-worker, husband, wife, or friend that lost his/her life. For others, those words represent their inability to forget the inhumane actions of the terrorists themselves. While the words “We Will Never Forget” mean different things to everyone, those words symbolize the change within the lives of many. Whether indirectly or directly exposed, September 11 produced social, economical, and psychological effects on many. The following discusses the psychological effects of those directly affected versus indirectly affected by the events of September 11, as well the resiliency produced individually and as a nation. Read More→

Managing Anxiety for Athletes

The fall season brings not only cooler temperatures, but an exciting time in the world of sports. Football season is well under way, baseball season is moving into the post-season, and school sports have started in earnest. For athletes of any level, this is a perfect time to think about the psychological component of sports and fitness. There is an old adage that “practice makes perfect,” however continual practice without attention to the mental aspects of performance can leave an athlete performing below her or his potential. Whether someone is an elite/professional athlete or a weekend workout warrior, paying some attention to mental conditioning can enhance their outcome and enjoyment of sport and exercise. Additionally, this often results in better attainment of goals, such as sport specific achievements or weight loss. Working with a psychologist is a great way to maximize an athlete’s potential. Read More→


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